esball国际平台客户端凯文' 81和安妮帕克职业中心将与您的组织合作,聘请下一代的领导者和问题解决者. We will assist you with all of your company career related needs and more. 从校园招聘和教育职业研讨会到与部门和学生组织的联系, our team is happy to support and partner with you.


  • Post your internships, co-ops, entry-level and experienced positions on Handshake.
  • 分享更多esball国际平台客户端公司历史的信息, 影响, 以及你所做的工作和你通过发现会议寻求的机会.
  • 电子邮件 career@esball国际平台客户端.edu to work with our team to help you learn more about our students, recruit talent and become eng年龄d as a lifelong partner!


  • 广告 & esball国际平台客户端握手的招聘机会
  • 类配置文件信息 & 薪资数据
  • 社交媒体上的企业品牌
  • 学生通过有针对性的曝光, quick and easy programming: Discovery Sessions, 午餐和学习, 学生小组演讲, 研讨会, 面板, 等.


  • Career Center HireAKnight Partner Program
  • 为新员工准备的联合品牌徽章
  • Continuing Education, Degree Completion, and Training
  • Summer and Winter Break Programs for unique and targeted populations


  1. Position must be full time (35 hours per week or more)
  2. All co-ops must be paid minimum w年龄 or higher
  3. 合作学习的持续时间(esball国际平台客户端开始和结束日期)必须与注册者每学期的注册时间一致
  4. No more than two consecutive co-op terms will be permitted for any student
  5. Experience must be related to the student’s major
  6. 雇主被要求在学生完成实习后通过Handshake填写一份调查问卷
  7. All other state and federal employment laws apply

不需要住房援助, but can be used as a competitive advant年龄 to attract candidates to your program. Each employer handles housing and relocation assistance differently.

As part of the co-op program, students must be compensated. The aver年龄 salary for Fall 2020/Spring 2021 Co-Op was $26.25平均时薪(因专业而异). Contact the Career Center for more information.

All co-ops are required to run throughout the duration of the coinciding academic semester. Many employers prefer to add a summer on to the experience. 雇主 may ask a co-op to stay one additional semester. 请注意,学生最多只能连续两个学期参加合作学习.


  1. 至少工作150小时.
  2. Experience should be related to the student’s major
  3. 雇主 are asked to fill out one survey at the completion of the student’s experience
  4. All other state and federal employment laws apply

不需要住房援助, but can be used as a competitive advant年龄 to attract candidates to your program. Each employer handles housing and relocation assistance differently.

实习职位通常是带薪的. The aver年龄 salary for Summer 2020 internship was $19.00因专业而异). Contact the Career Center for more information.

Internships are typically completed during the summer break.

制定职位描述:这可以让学生清楚地了解预期的职责, 资格, 和监督.  Because this form acts as a contractual agreement, be very specific about what the student will be doing. The student and faculty advisor use the job description to establish learning objectives, 他们被要求与你分享什么.

职位描述被就业中心用来向合格的学生宣传职位空缺. 另外, 你应该确保包括申请材料(简历)的说明, 求职信, 等.) and to whom and how they should be submitted. 

推销你的机会. 与学生分享机会的最好方法是在Handshake上创建一个账户,在那里你可以免费发布任何职位(登录http://www).esball国际平台客户端.edu/career-center/employers for more information). 问题? contact our office at 315-268-6477 or career@esball国际平台客户端.edu.

The Career Center strongly recommends that you request a resume from each student applicant.

下表反映了招聘实习和合作岗位候选人的建议时间框架, 这些建议将确保你有足够的时间来推广你的机会,并选择合适的学生.

  • 尽早与学生沟通. 提供到达前/到达信息的时间表将使学生做好准备. Often companies will provide housing options, 当地景点, and what to expect while at your company.

  • 创建一个导师计划. 将学生与一名全职员工配对,当他们在你的公司时,这名员工将作为他们的资源. Encour年龄 networking within the organization.

  • Plan a special project for the student(s) to work on. Challenge them to create something or problem solve as a group.  学生们表示,他们很欣赏通过完成有意义的工作而在组织中有所作为的感觉. They enjoy learning by completing tasks related to their major and prefer to stay busy.

  • Do you have activities such as special training programs, 绩效考核, 与高管共进午餐, or social events outside of the standard work day? 邀请学生. If students have a good experience working for you, 他们很可能会告诉他们的朋友——消息传播——这样一来,明年吸引优秀学生的机会就会增加. 


雇主 that utilize our services are expected to report hires of CU students. 这些信息是至关重要的,因为根据联邦法规,我们有义务报告联邦资助项目的安置结果. 因此, IT IS CRUCIAL that employers partnering with us take the time to provide us with this data. Report your hires by responding to our quick survey. 扫描所示二维码. 

就业中心认为,让求职者有足够的时间做出接受或拒绝工作的决定,对学生和雇主都是最有利的. 雇主 must give students at least 2 weeks to decide once a written offer is extended. Students should not be subjected to exploding offers, 是什么促使学生在很短的时间内接受一份工作,还是面临被取消工作的风险.

The use of alcohol in the recruiting process is prohibited. 严禁在校园内或在大学官方刊物上进行酒精或与酒精有关的活动的营销和/或广告. 以学生为中心的出版物将不接受宣传不负责任地使用或消费酒精饮料的广告. The Career Center is prohibited from posting job opportunities, or supporting on campus recruiting efforts, 因为这直接违反了联邦禁毒学校和校园条例.

esball国际平台客户端 is committed to the principles of equal opportunity, 尊重和公平对待所有人. 相应的, 就业中心保留拒绝任何潜在雇主发布的帖子的权利, 政策或程序似乎违反了大学对所有人平等机会和公平待遇的承诺, 不分种族, color, 性, 年龄, 种族, 宗教, 国家的起源, 性取向, 残疾, marital status or status as a military veteran. 可能导致被排除在中大招聘活动之外的其他因素包括:欺诈, 误传, 违反保密规定, complaints by or harassment of CU students, 校友, or staff; 性ual misconduct, failure to adhere to university policies, and/or any violation of federal state and local laws, including requiring personal information (e.g. bank and/or Social Security numbers) when not part of the hiring process. 联邦法律要求大学对任何此类投诉进行调查并采取合理行动. If it is determined that a complaint is justified, we reserve the right to deny requests for future recruitment activity. 在这种情况下, the organization will be given the opportunity to respond to the complaint; final decisions will be communicated in writing. 出于上述任何一个原因, 中大就业中心有权终止或拒绝任何组织参加就业中心的活动或联系.

This document provides details on recruiting policies and procedures. 不遵守这些指导方针可能会导致失去通过就业中心和esball国际平台客户端校园招聘的特权. 根据全国大学和雇主协会的规定,就业中心为雇主和个人提供帮助. 雇主和组织招聘应遵守并坚持NACE专业实践原则, 美国.S. equal opportunity and nondiscrimination laws, esball国际平台客户端的非歧视和骚扰政策和公平劳动标准法. 批准使用esball国际平台客户端设施并不意味着大学批准或认可招聘组织/个人或其政策, 实践或产品/服务.

In order to remain eligible for The Center for Career employer recruitment and services, all employers must abide by the policies listed below. 除了, esball国际平台客户端保留更改这些要求或包括特定服务的额外要求的权利, as deemed appropriate by the institution.

  • 雇主 must be familiar with and abide by NACE Principles for Professional Practice
  • 雇主 must be familiar with and abide by U.S. equal opportunity and nondiscrimination laws
  • 雇主 must be familiar with and abide by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
  • 雇主必须遵守司法部的《esball国际平台客户端》,禁止不公平的与移民有关的雇佣行为. 8 U.S.C. § 1324b.
  • 雇主必须确保所有招聘专业人员都受过培训,并了解如何专业地代表他们的雇主
  • 雇主 may not provide or consume alcohol in recruiting activities

The Career Center is committed to upholding the principles articulated in Clarkson 不歧视政策 以及其他道德政策.

Click logo or visit link for the National Association of Colleges & 雇主: Principles for Ethical Practices

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